Institutional Capacity Building for Curriculum Integration & Development

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The Objectives:

The specific objectives of WP3 are to:
O3.1. Design learning activities in the class for the acquisition of the defined soft skills
O3.2. Test and validate the guideline and framework in selected pilot HEIs, and make necessary modifications based on feedback and evaluation results.

The WP3 aims to upscale and improve the higher education curricula for water management with the soft skills, by offering the custom-tailored learning activities to be incorporated in classes. Additionally, this WP pursues pilot testing and validation of the framework and guideline developed in the WP2 (D2.2. and D2.3.). These specific objectives contribute to the overall objective of the SKILLS4Water project to upscale the soft skills and competencies of young water professionals in water higher education curricula. By achieving these objectives, WP3 will enable institutions across Europe to better prepare students for the challenges of the water management industry, while also ensuring that soft skills are integrated in a standardized and effective manner. The designed learning activities and validated framework will have a lasting impact on water management education and contribute to the overall success of the SKILLS4Water project.

The activities:

A3.1. Designing learning activities in the class for the acquisition of the defined soft skills
Three basic principles (interactivity, purposefulness and operability) will be obeyed during the designing of learning activities based on defined soft skills. The following steps will be applied: Analysing needs for implementing an active learning strategy, identifying topics and questions, identifying learning objectives and outcomes, planning and designing the activity, identifying sequence of learning events, and Evaluation and assessment.

A3.2. Incorporating designed soft skills in HEI’s curricula The designed soft skills connected with the WP4 (A4.1, A4.3) and supported by A4.2 and A4.4 will be incorporated in 3 HEI’s curricula for water.

A3.3. Evaluation of the acquired competencies Acquired student competencies will be evaluated to show is the defined project methodology implemented in a good manner. As a result, the soft skills assessment guide will be created. Explain how this activity is going to help reach the WP objectives. The planned activities outlined in WP3, which includes designing learning activities in the class for the acquisition of the defined soft skills, incorporating designed soft skills in HEI’s curricula, and evaluation of the acquired competencies, aims to help reach the specific objectives of WP3 and positively influence the curricula in water higher education across Europe. By designing learning activities that are specifically tailored to the acquisition of soft skills in water higher education, WP3 will be able to ensure that these skills are integrated into water HE in a coherent and effective way. This will help to prepare students for the labour market by providing them with the essential soft skills that they will need to succeed in their careers. Once the learning activities have been designed, the next step is to incorporate them into the curricula of HEIs to ensure that students are receiving a standardized and effective education that includes the essential soft skills. This will involve working with the academic staff of these institutions to ensure that the activities are integrated into existing courses in a coherent way that aligns with the learning outcomes of the courses. By doing this, HEIs will be able to provide their students with a more comprehensive education that goes beyond technical knowledge and helps developing their future career. The final activity in WP3 is to evaluate the skills that students acquire through the learning activities. This will involve assessing whether students have developed the soft skills that were targeted through the activities, as well as evaluating whether the activities themselves were effective. This evaluation will be essential for making necessary modifications to the guidelines and framework developed in WP2 and ensuring that the learning activities are effective in achieving the project objectives. These three planned activities in combination will feed into WP3’s efforts to achieve its objectives.


1. Report on designed learning activities;
2. Report on pilot testing and validating;
3. Soft Skills Assessment Guide

Based on the expected results from the WP2, especially the developed framework for incorporating soft skills in water management curricula, the team members will design the learning activities to include in classes. Additionally, SKILLS4Water will prepare an assessment guide for validating the soft skills acquired throughout the learning activities within the modernised water education curricula.

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