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SKILLS4Water aims to equip students and young water professionals with essential soft skills, integrate them into higher education curricula, promoting innovation and leadership in the European water industry, and disseminate related best practises across Europe. This will contribute to building a sustainable and resilient water future and providing EU with skilled workforce. The initiative will benefit HEIs, their students, water industry and inform policymakers.

SKILLS4Water is an Erasmus+ project that will create innovative training programs with career guidance, train the trainer activities, and modernization of water curricula integrating soft skills will be provided, with a focus on inter-disciplinary collaboration development. A Community Hub will be created to host webinars, network and promote knowledge sharing and best practices.

Get involved with SKILLS4Water to help shape a sustainable and resilient water future and providing EU with skilled workforce.

More news

Blog: Skills4Water on SmartWB event

As part of the Erasmus+ SmartWB ( activities, the inter-project coaching event was held at the Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe (THOWL) in Germany from June 13 to 14, 2024. The event…

BLOG: EJWP 7 in Münster

From November 19-21, Münster became the meeting point for our water professionals participating in the third week of the SKILLS4WATER (EJWP7). Hosted by the Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged…

BLOG: Project status

The project SKILLS4Water started in September 2023 and has brought together academics, human capital specialists, and entrepreneurial specialists with the sole purpose of empowering young professionals from the water sector…

BLOG: Nina Nicoleta Lazar in Water News Europe

Nina Nicoleta Lazar from Romania participates in the European Junior Water Programme (EJWP). She is a research assistant in the spectrometry laboratory at the Jos University of Galați in Romania.…

BLOG: Sandra Rizzo in Water News Europe

Sandra Rizzo Calderon from Spain is participating in the European Junior Water Programme (EJWP). She conducts research as a PhD student at the University of Cadiz, focusing on the microbial…