The University of Cádiz (UCA) is a modern university, with over 1700 academics and 21,884 graduate, master and doctoral students with 15 faculties located in 4 University Campuses. The academic offer encompasses all branches of knowledge: Arts and Humanities, Business, Sciences, Engineering Health Sciences, and Social and Legal Sciences with a total of 44 Degrees (20 of them double degrees); 56 Official Master Programs (1 Erasmus Mundus) and 19 Doctorate Programs organized around two doctoral schools: EIDEMAR, linked to the Campus of International Excellence of the Sea (CEI · MAR) and EDUCA, which includes the rest of the doctorate offer. The UCA is committed to marine and agro-food specialization through two International Campus of Excellence: it is the coordinator of the Campus of International Excellence of the Sea (CEI · MAR) ( and participates in the Campus of International Agri-food Excellence (ceiA3) ( It appears in the Times Higher Education Ranking of the 1000 best universities in the world. UCA has more than 22,000 students, over 1700 Staff / professors, 800 non-academic staff, and around 1800 scientists distributed in more than 130 Research Groups. It’s included also in Shanghai’s ranking, as one out of 500 best Universities in the world in 4 main items: Mathematics, Engineer, Environmental Sciences and Chemistry and Oceanographic Engineer.
Our university has the following research institutes:
- Institute for Research in Applied Linguistics
- Institute for Research into Electronic Microscopy and Materials
- Wine and Agrifood Research Institute IVAGRO
- Biomolecule Research Institute INBIO
- Institute for Research in Biomedical Sciences INiBICA
- University Research Institute for Sustainable Social Development
The specialised offer is complemented by state-of-the-art or unique technology degrees such as Aerospace Engineering, Biotechnology, Oenology, Cybersecurity, New Materials, Applied Linguistics, Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, or Port and Logistics Management, among others.
The University of Cádiz (UCA) leads the European University of the Seas (SEA-EU), an alliance of nine universities also composed of the University of Western Brittany (France), the University of Kiel (Germany), the University of Gdansk. (Poland), the University of Split (Croatia) the University of Malta (Malta), the University of Parthenope (Italy) the University of Algarve (Portugal) and the University of Nord (Norway). This alliance involves universities with strengths and experience in research, dissemination and education related to the maritime sector.
The UCA is the only Spanish university that offers all the cycles of studies related to the sea, so that its academic offer in this area includes a total of 9 degrees, the double degree of CC. of the Sea and Environmental, 17 master’s degrees and 4 doctoral programs attached to the EIDEMAR doctoral school of the Campus of International Excellence of the Sea (CEI · MAR), with a specific offer supported by 16 research teams from different areas of knowledge. CEIMAR has become an international benchmark of knowledge, experience, teaching and scientific research, in the marine maritime field, bringing together all disciplines related to the sea from the Sciences, Engineering and Humanities.
UCA Team in SKILLS4Water

Dr. Irene Laiz
Dr. Irene Laiz is a Tenured Professor at the University of Cadiz. She holds a PhD is Physical Oceanography from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain. Dr. Laiz has participated in 31 research projects and in 22 research papers indexed in the JCR and was Guest Editor in the special issue Blue knowledge generation for improving sustainable water and coastal management for the Journal Science of the Total Environment. She is the coordinator and lecturer of the workshop Introduction to Oceanography: the ocean is a great natural laboratory since 2018, as part of the Andalusian’s Government Extracurricular Enrichment Programme for High-Ability Students. She was also the Academic Coordinator of the Master Erasmus Mundus in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA) and the local Coordinator of SEA-EU-DOC. On the basis of the existing alliance “European University of the Seas (SEA-EU)”, the SEA-EU DOC project aimed at broadening the employment opportunities of doctorate holders in marine sciences; among other objectives, the project focused on aligning the skills acquired during the doctorate with those demanded by the non-academic sector. Dr. Laiz is the Skills4water local coordinator, and her role is to assist and supervise all the tasks.

Dr. Sokratis Papaspyrou
Dr. Sokratis Papaspyrou is a full professor at the University of Cadiz. He holds a PhD in Biology from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece). He holds a Full Professor position in UCA since 2023. He has been the principal investigator in several projects securing funding at different levels (regional, national, European). He has contributed with >80 abstracts and 10 papers in conferences and 45 peer reviewed indexed articles. He participates regularly in dissemination activities and organizes courses on communication skills for scientists. His role in Skills4water is to assist on the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management and to lead the incorporation of the designed skills in the curricula .

Dr. Marina Bolado-Penagos
Dr. Marina Bolado-Penagos, with a Ph.D. in Marine Sciences and Technologies from UCA, is currently a researcher at the Marine Research Institute of the University of Cadiz (INMAR). She completed her doctoral thesis under a pre-doctoral contract from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, contributing to the MEGAN project and the European project OCASO. Her research focuses on small-scale spatiotemporal processes in the Gulf of Cádiz, the Strait of Gibraltar, and the Alboran Sea. With participation in 3 funded research projects, she has published 14 JCR scientific articles (90% Q1), notably advancing the understanding of hydrodynamics in the Strait of Gibraltar and the impact of atmospheric forcing, as well as physical-biological interactions. She has engaged in over 30 scientific communications and organized four conferences, including the I and III Congress of Young Marine Researchers, WACOMA, and the III International Symposium on Marine Sciences. She has expertise in planning and executing oceanographic campaigns, participating in 12 oceanographic campaigns and demonstrating proficiency in using advanced instruments for data collection and processing. Her role in Skills4water is to lead the preparation of the Final Project Conference and to assist on the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management.

Dr. Javier Moreno
Dr. Javier Moreno is an Associate Professor at the University of Cadiz (UCA) with a Ph.D. in Marine Science and Technology. Dr. Moreno’s research focuses on the treatment of various water matrices, strategies to minimize marine pollution, and water management in maritime transport, aquaculture, and Harmful Algal Blooms. He has authored over 35 scientific articles in high-impact journals and has actively participated in over 30 conferences within the water sector. Currently leading research projects like TECNOHABs, MOBILED, and ECOTRANSEAS, Dr. Moreno is dedicated to controlling pollutants in water and air emissions, including initiatives like CLEANSCRUB. Engaged in understanding Early Career Researchers’ motivations and concerns, he was part of scientific working groups like IWA-YWP and OYSTER (Euromarine). Additionally, he is part of the Early Career Editorial Board of Chemical Engineering Journal Advances (Elsevier). His role in Skills4water is to lead the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management and to assist on the incorporation of the designed skills in the curricula and on the preparation of the Final Project Conference.

Dr. Juan Montes Pérez
Dr. Juan Montes Pérez is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Cadiz. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Marine Sciences and a Master’s Degree in Integrated Coastal Zone Management, both from the University of Cadiz. He carried out his PhD at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Cadiz, with the Thesis entitled “Coastal Vulnerability to Erosion and Flooding Processes under a Climate Change Framework in the Bay of Cádiz and Bay of Algeciras”, which obtained the international mention and was graded Cum Laude. The PhD thesis was conducted under a FPI pre-doctoral contract (BES-2015-073218) in the framework of the project ” Coastal vulnerability in the context of climate change: response and adaptation measures (ADACOSTA)” granted by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (CGL2014-53153-R). Dr. Montes has carried out four research internships (10 months) at the Department of Physics and Earth Sciences of the University of Ferrara (Italy), at the Institute of Engineering of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico), and at the CSIC Institute of Marine Sciences in Barcelona (Spain). In addition, he has participated in the Spanish Antarctic campaign 2018-2019. He has participated in several national and European research projects. He got a postdoctoral contract at IUSS Pavia (Italy) as a researcher in the European project “A Proof-Of-Concept for the Implementation of a European Copernicus Coastal Flood Awareness System (ECFAS)”. Since January 2022, he has a Margarita Salas postdoctoral contract at the University of Cadiz. His role in Skills4water is to assist on the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management, and on the organization of the Final Project Conference. His role in Skills4water is to assist on the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management and on the preparation of the Final Project Conference.

Dr. Theocharis Plomaritis
Dr. Theocharis Plomaritis is a Tenured Professor at the University of Cadiz. He holds a PhD on coastal dynamics and sediment transport from the University of Southampton (National Oceanography Center Southampton), UK. His research involved the combination of field data and numerical modeling techniques to predict coastal erosion and flooding hazards for the urban and natural coasts. He has experience in developing Early Warning Systems (EWS) that incorporate flow, wave and morphodynamic model chains. The above models are also used to train Bayesian and other AI type networks. He has participated in various EU projects (DELOS, MICORE, RISCKIT) and has been the principal investigator in two research projects associated with hazard and risk assessment evaluation due to climate change. His role in Skills4water is to assist on the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management and on the incorporation of the designed skills in the curricula.

Dr. Jose M. Sanchez
Dr. Jose M. Sanchez is a Tenured Professor at the University of Cadiz. He holds a PhD in Business administration from the University of Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla, Spain). He is the General Director of Entrepreneurship, Business Relations and Alumni at UCA, and the Director of the Chair in Business Internationalization. He was the academic coordinator of the Master on Entrepreneurship (Masterup) for 3 years. He is a member of the research team of SEA-EU-DOC and the local Coordinator of Difree. His role in Skills4water is to assist on the development of a standardized framework for integrating soft skills into the higher education curricula for water management and on the incorporation of the designed skills in the curricula.

Mª Dolores Gómez Domínguez
Mª Dolores Gómez Domínguez; Currently working as Project Manager at the Vice-rectorate for Internationalization at the University of Cádiz. She has been project manager of several International projects since 2001, such as Erasmus+ projects, managing CBHE projects, Tempus projects, Master Erasmus Mundus, DG-XIII-Information Society- Safer Internet Action Plan, Socrates Program – Minerva Action; Socrates Program – Action Comenius, Socrates Program – e-Learning Action Plan, and Interreg, among others.
She has also experience managing cooperation projects with some local NGO’s such as “Fundación Esperanza para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo” and “Equa”. She also worked for the Local Government “Diputación de Cádiz” managing and justifying Projects of local development.
Her academic diplomas include: a Master in International Communication from the University of Cádiz (UCA)(2018), BA HONS: High Degree in Administration and Business Management (GADE) -. University of Cadiz (2016), BA(HONS) Bachelor of Arts, Honours: International Business Administration at the “University of Northumbria”, Newcastle Upon Tyne, U.K. (1998) & High Degree in Economics and Business, University of Cádiz (1998).